Friday, January 4, 2013

Journal Entry 3

“The Mechanical Hound slept but did not sleep, lived but did not live in its gently humming, gently vibrating, softly illuminated kennel back in a dark corner of the firehouse (Bradbury, 24).”  This is an example of the technology that the future upheld in this book.  The Hound is located inside the firehouse.  It is programmed to capture moving critters in a time frame of three seconds.  It would then grip its prey with its gentle paws while a four-inch hollow steel needle plunged down from the proboscis of the Hound to inject massive jolts of morphine or procaine into the victim.  The pawn was then tossed in the incinerator.  The Hound evidently does not like Montag.  When Montag told the Captain this the Captain said “Come off it.  It doesn’t like or dislike.  It just ‘functions.’  It’s like a lesson in ballistics.  It has a trajectory we decide on for it.  It follows through.  It targets itself, homes itself, and cuts off.  It’s only copper wire, storage batteries, and electricity (Bradbury, 26).”  This Hound shows just how advanced the futures technology is.  There is no need for any type of victim traps when you could just have a Hound made.  What amazed me was how fast the hound could pounce on its prey.  Three seconds is pretty impressive.

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