As the men talked they all ended up having a big piece of literature contained inside of them. They could all remember the books they have read and recite them. For Montag it was the Book of Ecclesiastes. When Montag asked the guys if they really thought people would listen to the stories about the books, Granger (one of the guys), said “If not, we’ll just have to wait. We’ll pass the books on to our children, but word of mouth, and let our children wait, in turn, on the other people. A lot will be lost that way, of course. But you can’t make people listen. They have to come ‘round in their own time, wondering what happened and why the world blew up under them. It can’t last (Bradbury, 153).” This was their plan. It was to pass down their knowledge of reading to their children and hopefully the knowledge from the books would not die out. As Granger gives words of encouragement to Montag, Montag shouted “Look!” The war had began and ended in that instant. Jets had flashed over the city and dropped their bombs down upon it. Montag then thought of his wife and suddenly remembered where he had met her. It was in Chicago . He then kept picturing his wife as she was about to meet her death. After everything had settled down Granger said “We’ll have a bite. Then we’ll turn around and walk upstream. They’ll be needing us up that way (Bradbury, 163).” I predict that they will inform all of the survivors in the city about books. I then think that they will create a city based on reading books with the survivors. Maybe that will then begin a spark to spread the word about books.

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